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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Let the fun begin....

Classes begin today!  I'm excited but also hoping that I am not over-doing it.  It'll be a lot of work, I know.  I mean really----Ethics and Astronomy all at the same time??   And don't let me forget to mention-PE and Web Design!  Although I am looking forward to learning Web Design.  I hope it's what I anticipate it to be and that it will feed that need that I have to always have something creative going on.  When I think about it, I realize that I can't decide on just one thing that I enjoy doing because I have this constant need to be doing something and learning something new-all the time!  That's why I do so many different things.  But, I really figure that I am always learning something-and how can that be a bad thing?  
So, yesterday, in true Virgo fashion-I organized the pantry!  I went so far as to put all my various flours and sugars in containers.  That's not so bad but, I took it one step further and labeled them!  I mean, could you tell the difference if you were just looking, between cake flour an regular bleached flour?  I can't!  So, I am justifying my labeling habit!  I think that the next thing on my list is to purge my closet again.  I try to do that at least once a year and it's been about that long now.  Joe started his last Sunday.  As long as I've known him (13 1/2 years), he has never cleaned his closet.  He found t-shirts that he had never worn and had completely forgotten that he had.  I'm proud of what he got accomplished but he still has a little ways to go to get it totally under control.  He does have some cool vintage clothes though!  Gale-Bird may be scoring some of them if Joe can let them go.  :)  I was able to get a Hershey jacket from his high school days!  I thought it was very cool and will wear it proudly (though it's a tad big).  
Well-must get my day going and start the school assignments-I've already finished one!  :)
Have a wonderful day people! 

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